The result of the disclosure will depend on how it will be spoken
Define appropriate spokespeople. To avoid unpleasant surprises for both sides, the choice of the spokesperson who will grant the interview must be done carefully. The press officer needs to know the media outlet, the journalist and, above all, the agenda very well. With this information, it is possible to prepare the spokesperson, from how to treat that professional specifically, to including key messages in the responses. Currently, it is very common to send the main questions in advance, which allows preparation. If during the interview the journalist changes the agenda to the point of harming the spokesperson's performance, the press officer can intercede and explain the situation.And, if necessary, schedule an interview with the most appropriate spokesperson. Again, we are talking about transparency and professionalism on both sides. 8. Interact on social media. Currently, a simple and unpretentious way to get closer to journalists Armenia Phone Number is to interact with them on social media, whether the press officer or the client, through their executives. Like the posts, comment, share interesting content. But avoid suggesting an agenda on social media. According to research by the Comunique-se group, 55.5% of journalists said that social networks and messaging applications should never be used to get in touch, unless it is agreed. So only do this as a last resort, when other means are ineffective and the matter is very urgent.
9. Make the journalist’s work as easy as possible. When dealing with technical or complex issues, for example, be careful and prepare a press release that is very clear and readable for someone who is not an expert on the subject. The more enlightening and objective the material, the greater the chance of arousing the journalist’s interest. This also applies to images and videos, which must have good resolution. 10. Train sources and spokespersons. In addition to basic preparation for the specific interview, it is important for spokespeople and other sources to undergo Media Training – exclusive training to enable them to deal with the press. In a future article, we will talk about the subject.