Granular caching can store large
Can get the most accurate data for a better user experience. There are several factors to consider when invalidating cache. Some core aspects are timing. Timing is critical in determining when to invalidate a cache. Invalidating it too early will result in more redundant requests to the database and invalidating it too late will serve stale data.amounts of data and it is difficult to know which cached data will become invalid when a subset of the data in the underlying database changes.Fine-grained cache invalidation can be an exp photo editing servies ensive operation while coarse-grained invalidation can cause unnecessary data to be deleted. Cache Invalidation Granular Coherence Invalidating a cache item when using a globally distributed cache requires that it be reflected globally on all nodes. Failure to do so could result in users in a particular region receiving stale data. A load balancer should be used between the application server and the distributed cache server to manage traffic. A synchronization mechanism is also needed to reflect .
Changes between all cache nodes to prevent serving stale data. Synchronous Cache Nodes Management of a cache system can be complex. Hosting and managing the caching layer between servers and databases requires additional maintenance efforts. It's important to use the right monitoring tools to keep an eye on the health of your cache service. Cache avalanches may occur when the cache set or cache system fails for some reason or there is no data in the cache for a short period of time. When this occurs all concurrent traffic will be directed.