Education and Research
The first meeting continued the world of GADS Task Force. Those first meetings were completely public and anyone could spectate. The goal of all the meetings was testing, reviews, development, specification proposals, drafts, and internet standards.Source:WikipediaThe release of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Internet” written by Ed Krol. Krol understood how valuable the internet can be for everyone, and especially for the academic community. However, he knew that academics weren’t using the internet properly.This is why he made “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Internet” as a user-friendly guide on how to use India Mobile Database the internet if you didn’t have any programming language. The guide later became the RFC- of the Internet Engineering Task Force.Source:Internet Hall of FameThe internet continues to expand. Florencio Utreras, a Chilean scientist, helps bring the internet to his country. Chile is connected to BITNET.Source:Internet Hall of FameSrinivasan Ramani started developing the.
Network of India, also known as ERNET. He played a key role in setting up the first international gateway for ERNET, which linked it with Amsterdam.Source:Internet Hall of FameIn , the connection of the whole of Southern Africa to the internet began. By the end ofall the countries in the region were connected to the internet. One of the people that have contributed the most to this project is Anriette Esterhuysen. Due to her hard work, a huge part of the continent now had internet and email.Source.