You can check the search volume of various keywords containing the word 'travel'. , it was confirmed that the search volume was high in the following order: Japan travel (Fukuoka travel, Osaka travel, Tokyo travel) > Taiwan travel > Vietnam travel > Singapore travel. Keyword tool io provides average monthly search volume. Trends show how your average monthly search volume has changed compared to the previous 12 months. You can see that while the search volume for overseas travel has increased, the search volume for Jeju Island travel has decreased. Average cost per click (CPC) and competitiveness are provided based on the Google advertising system. Additionally, you can check question-type keywords or related keywords in the 'Questions' tab or 'Related Keywords'. Instagram Keyword tool io > Instagram > ‘Travel’ keyword search.
The Instagram platform can be checked based on hashtags. Similarly, when you search for 'travel', a list of Cambodia Phone Number Data corresponding hashtags is displayed. You can check the amount of posts for that hashtag. You can see that the number of hashtag posts is high in the order of crazy about travel. The influence of the ‘Crazy About Travel’ channel could be confirmed by the amount of hashtags. However, in the case of search volume, since Instagram does not provide its own search volume, it is an estimated search volume, not an exact search volume. You can also check your travel-related accounts. You can check accounts related to travel, regardless of the account's influence. It seems that if the word 'travel' is written in the account introduction area, it is dragged and exposed. It appears that it can be used as a general reference to the number of travel-related accounts, but there appears to be insufficient information to select influencers through this.

Keyword tool io recommended target Keyword tool io is useful in that it allows you to check keyword search volume on various platforms, not just Google. For platforms other than Google, you can check the estimated search volume, although it is not the exact search volume. This keyword tool is recommended for those who want to check search volume on various platforms. In particular, as various content types such as user-generated content (UGC) and videos are becoming more important in future SEO trends , a variety of platform strategies tailored to your brand are needed. However, since Naver's keyword provision amount is not provided separately, it may not be suitable for those who need to analyze domestic platforms such as Naver. Also, the keyword tool io can check the search volume for a single keyword, so it may not be suitable if you want to check the customer's keyword path.