Be a ray of sunshine for your customers during these short and dreary days. And what if your own creativity is a bit chilled? No worries. We’ve curated a colossal collection of content concepts you can use throughout the month. Let’s get cracking Table of contents Tips for February blog post content February blog post ideas for holidays and days of observance Non-holiday blog post and content ideas Tips for February blog posts February is a pivotal time when people get back to buying after the post-holiday break.
Make the most of the month with these content marketing tips and tactics. Post early Make sure your marketing calendar has February blog content early so you can publish it ahead of time. Why does that matter? Because unlike your Iceland Phone NumberFebruary social media posts that surface immediately blog content can take a little while to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). A February-angled post at the top of the SERPs in March won’t get you many website visitors. Also most of your February content will be timely guides about places to go and things to get done this month. Your posts should catch people while they’re planning before they actually start doing.
February blog posts will bring new people to your website. Use our free Website Grader to make your site is in tip-top shape. Remember keywords There are lots of channels to get your amazing February blog posts and videos out into the world. Since most people still prefer finding answers on search engines craft your posts to match what people look for there. The first step of search engine optimization is keyword research. You can go down lots of keyword research rabbit holes but try this first. Enter a word or two into a search and see what the search engine autofills. February blog ideas - screenshot of a google search Google autofills popular search terms so it’s a great place to start your keyword research. Another super easy option is to use our free keyword tool. Again type in something close to what you think people want to learn.