However, the initial investment is high, but at the same time the effect takes a long time to arrive. But if you think about it in the long term, it will pay off! The important thing is: put effort into your magazine. Run-of-the-mill content doesn't help you at all these days. It's better to create an article that you spent 20 hours writing than twenty posts that took you an hour to write on average. Nevertheless, long does not always mean good! You can find out more about corporate blogging in this article by Silja: Corporate Blogging – How to start a company blog .
Lever 4: Optimize your checkout process! What would you do for 10 percent Special Data more sales? If you increase your conversion rate in the shopping cart by 10 percent, you will have 10 percent more sales - without having more traffic and without better rankings. Just like that, with your current visitors! Reasons for abandoned purchases in online shops The most common reasons for abandoned purchases in the checkout process. Two tips for fewer abandoned purchases in the checkout process Clearly show your shipping costs.

For some reason, shipping costs are often a conversion killer. Also think about whether it wouldn't be better if you offered free shipping? You can add the shipping costs to the price. This is often worthwhile because the conversion rate then increases significantly. Offer as many payment options as possible that your target group uses. This also increases conversions in the checkout. There are many more tips in a blog post by our conversion rate expert Steffi: How to optimize the purchasing process in the online shop with usability .