Technology, it is time to discuss the most used tools that are current today. The first of them is known as LMS ( Learning Magangement System ), a tool that manages online study and learning. The various activities can be managed, distributed and evaluated in virtual training, the idea is that learning is accessible, flexible and friendly and involves all school staff, from administrators to students. Another tool is virtual reality, which is the visual perception of the specific moment or environment. This in the educational field provides the opportunity to recreate scenarios that were only found in books. Human body, historical landscapes, places in the world, extinct animals...
The student will have access to a virtual collection that will allow them to Chinese Australia Phone Number List learn from experience. Students and teachers also have access to educational video games where memory, logical reasoning, concentration, spatial orientation and coordination are exercised. Such experiences will help students develop skills useful for careers in engineering, arts, and even architecture. Finally, in higher grades the aim is for students to manage tools of curricular value, organizational tools capable of sharing files instantly, communication and debate platforms and programs that they will find in future jobs.

What can we expect from educational technology in the future? The digital era is moving at fast and gigantic steps, technology focused on education cannot and should not be left behind. One of the most important aspects to focus on lies in the control of student learning. Monitoring and reviewing students is an important factor for the incorporation of technologies within any class. In the end, technological tools are focusing on providing solutions to monitor students and, above all, so that they can learn and adapt to con