Analyze how the company is described in other articles to understand whether the company's image is viewed positively ; Event promotion: organizing events is beneficial for any company; the number of participants is a measurable result; Website notoriety: placing links to the company website on affiliate sites; tools such as Ahrefs or Moz to monitor website activity; Traffic Earned: Tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, or SE Ranking provide accurate information about the traffic to your company’s website. Examples of PR Activities Positive PR Positive PR activities include: publishing news and press releases, media exposure, social media channels, active discussions.
Example of a positive PR campaign: Your company has just launched its Buy Whatsapp Number Data latest minimalist office chair model. PR professionals write press releases to inform reporters about new products and invite them to brunch to introduce them to the product. In a press release issued to journalists, all the features of the product were presented, with emphasis on the design being ergonomic and environmentally friendly. to the public is high, especially if they attend a brunch organized just for them. Negative PR Negative PR campaigns are always to be avoided, however, they exist in emergency situations such as: damage control, crisis communications, public apology messages or reputation restoration.

Example of a negative PR campaign: Your company's flagship product is an elegant handmade pen made of pine wood. News about the possible extinction of pine trees are becoming more frequent, which is why pen sales have dropped significantly. The public relations department issued a press release stating that production of pine fences has been stopped and remaining inventory has been donated to needy schools. Mentioned replacing pine pens with pens made from recycled materials that are malleable and have a shape that is more comfortable for writers.