Many people believe that career growth consists of regular promotions, from an intern to a junior specialist, from a mid-level specialist to a manager. But not all professionals want to be bosses in formal suits, deal with reporting, take responsibility for the result, manage groups or departments. In fact, career development can be done in two directions - horizontally and vertically. In this article, we will talk about each type of career growth and analyze their main advantages and disadvantages.
Vertical career growth
Vertical development is a gradual transition from a junior specialist position to a managerial one. For example, you came to work for a company as a salesperson, then grew to a manager and then became a leader. Or you started as a grocery delivery person and then headed the logistics department. Usually, such career growth occurs in one company or in one area.
What are the benefits of vertical development?
You can grow vertically in any company, in any field of activity;
you have the opportunity to manage social media marketing service other people and become the face of a department or company;
you set ambitious goals, complete complex tasks, and make decisions independently;
you are responsible for the result, responsible for the budget and the implementation of the plan;
high salary;
In society, such growth is considered a success.
What are the disadvantages of vertical career growth?
due to high responsibility there is a high risk of emotional and professional burnout;
will have to work a busy schedule to get a promotion;
It is necessary to constantly improve your skills in order to grow in your career. The higher the position, the more requirements for the specialist.
It is a mistake to think that only vertical movement up the career ladder can be the only right path. Yes, it is a more noticeable growth, as a person moves from one position to another, but not everyone is given the ability to be a leader.
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Horizontal career growth
Horizontal development is the expansion of professional knowledge and skills of a specialist in one department. It can be compared to the natural process of professional development, when he gradually improves his skills from an intern to a senior specialist. For example, a novice designer became an art director or a copywriter grew to an editor.
What are the benefits of horizontal development?
you develop skills in one area;
the narrower your specialization, the higher your salary;
you develop your competencies in only one direction. You do not need to study document management and management methods in parallel;
you are only responsible for your decisions in a certain direction;
You gradually expand your knowledge and grow your career without stress and struggle for a position.
What are the disadvantages of horizontal career growth?
horizontal development is more suitable for professions where applied skills dominate. For example, an HR specialist falls under restrictions, most likely, it will be easier for him to grow vertically;
you can become a leader in a team, but still not get promoted in the organization;
your level of professional development will not be very noticeable from the outside.
In the article, we talked about each type of career growth separately, but in life they are interconnected. It will be difficult for a specialist to grow vertically if he does not expand his professional knowledge, which means growing horizontally at first. In any case, only the person himself can decide which path to choose. If you are currently in doubt and you have a need for professional development, watch the free online course " Personal Development Strategy ", with the help of which you can draw up a global action plan, define goals and develop ways to achieve tasks.