The Internet has profoundly changed the way we do business. Whereas before, companies, regardless of their area of activity, were limited to waiting for potential customers to come to them or investing in marketing through traditional media, today social networks have expanded the possibilities.
These changes and possibilities have also reached the real estate sector. Nowadays, practically no one leaves home for a vacation on the coast or starts the search for their dream home without first albania telegram data researching it on the internet.
Today, it is possible for real estate agencies and individuals to carry out the entire sales or rental process online. Portals and websites such as OLX, VivaReal, ZaP and Quinto Andar make business possible.
However, you don’t need to rely on these platforms to advertise properties. Social media offers ample space to close deals.
Want to know how? Keep reading!
social media
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What is the best social network to advertise properties?
There are dozens of social networks with different purposes, audiences and functions. Therefore, the first step to start promoting is to choose the ones that best meet your needs and objectives.
Creating profiles on every social network that exists is a waste of time and resources, since you run the risk of targeting an audience that is not interested in real estate. Furthermore, if you really want to do a good job, it is humanly impossible to keep up with different networks.
The same goes for you, if your goal is to advertise vacation homes for families, it doesn't make sense to invest in ads and posts aimed at college students just to increase your audience. After all, what a family looks for when spending their vacation is very different from what a group of friends looks for.
How to use Instagram in your real estate agency
Instagram is a visual social network for sharing photos and videos among its users. According to figures released by Facebook, the company that recently purchased Instagram, Brazil is one of the countries that most accesses Instagram, with 16 million users. 65% of these users access the network every day, totaling approximately 257 minutes online per month.
With these numbers, it is impossible to ignore this social network, which can also be used in your marketing strategies. That is why we created this article, with tips on using Instagram for real estate agencies and a video with a step-by-step guide to creating your real estate agency profile.
Creating your real estate profile
instagram for real estate
Unlike Facebook, on Instagram there is no differentiation between profiles or pages, whether they are for individuals or companies. At least for now, as the network has already announced that it will soon have accounts for companies and businesses.
In the meantime, creating your profile and starting to use the network is very simple. Just take a look: