Use language like "I understand why you'd need this done," or "I can see why you'd need this." This shows the customer that your company isn't berating them for asking for a certain feature or change as long as they haven't threatened you or made unreasonable requests . Pro tip: Here's an example of what this might sound like: "This request makes a lot of sense. I understand why you'd need this done." . Be transparent about why you can't fulfill their request. Don't sink to lies and false excuses for why you're saying no. Instead, just be honest. Admit that their request can't be fulfilled at this time and explain why that is the case. Before you say no to a request, it's important that your team understands why something is against company policy. If you don't know why you're saying no, customers can get even more frustrated.
Additionally, it helps to follow up your explanation with some alternative options that may help the Phone Number List customer. Your customer may take this well, or they may not. However, no matter their response, if you tell the truth you will always be able to explain why you're rejecting their request. If you lie, you can quickly get exposed if the customer decides to investigate the issue further. Pro tip: Here's an example of what this might sound like: "Based on explanation , we can't accommodate this request because insert company policy here. solutions that I'd like to discuss so we can move forward." .
Provide alternative options. It's helpful to give the customer another option if you can't fulfill their request. Begin with offering other services that your company can provide and see if you can create a workaround to achieve their goals. If not, look externally to see if there is another company out there that can fulfill their need. Yes, that sounds crazy. But it doesn't hurt to refer the customer to a competitor that you trust. You don't want to just reject the customer and bid them farewell.