Of a Telegram channel; it’s important to understand what to pay attention to first. Here are the main metrics that channel owners and advertisers should look at: Audience. The number of subscribers and the dynamics of their growth indicate the popularity of the channel and the content in it, how it is promoted, and whether the owner uses cheating. For administrators, audience dynamics indicate successful or incorrect decisions in the promotion strategy. Coverages. They help evaluate the content strategy: they show which content gets more views and at what time people view posts more. Allows you to evaluate the potential reach of advertising integrations.
Engagement It is worth focusing on the average ER in your topic and assessing how relevant content is offered on the channel. If engagement is low, you can increase it using game mechanics, polls, and posts that invite audience reactions. Activity. Understanding when the Web Development Services audience is most active helps administrators create a content plan so that posts and advertisements can be seen by as many people as possible. Notifications. The percentage of included notifications indicates how correctly the frequency of publications is selected. If it increases, people are waiting for content and are afraid to miss it; if it decreases, publications are published too often, notifications irritate users.

Reposts Content that users share in other channels, chats, or private messages is especially valuable because it not only retains your current audience, but also helps attract new ones. You should strive to run your channel so that there are as many reposts as possible. Following them, other indicators will grow. These are the main metrics you should focus on. In each case, their set is determined individually, depending on the goals of maintaining the channel. We hope we have helped you understand the main points. To study the topic of promotion and analytics in Telegram in more depth, we recommend taking a full-fledged practical course.