Tips about the psychology of colors in website design. Take a look at the world around you, how beautiful it is, isn't it? The colors that we see around us, and the fact that the world is colorful, are beautiful like the colors of the rainbow. Can you imagine the world in black and white? It reminds me of the old black and white movies that were not yet in color. Back to these technologies, otherwise we would still have to watch the same colorless movies. I can't even think that life has no color and everything is taken. what about you? can't you Surely no one likes to see the world like this. Now let's get to the point, I want to say that color has a deep effect on people. Did you know that colors can affect the mood of the visitor? It may be new to you, but it is one of the most important things that website designers use when designing a website.
They immediately contact a part of the brain called the hypothalamus and these signals go telephone number list to the pituitary gland and from there to the endocrine system. Endocrine glands also send these signals to thyroid glands. Do you want to know what happens in the thyroid gland? Hormones are released and cause changes in mood and emotions and thus affect a person's behavior. About 90% of product evaluations are based on color. Color can affect 85% of people's decision to buy a product. What is the human psychology behind colors? What is meant by color psychology is the science that tells how colors can affect people's behavior. You must have heard something about the psychology of behavior, well, the psychology of color is a higher and more general category than the psychology of behavior.

It may be difficult to interpret the psychology of the first color for those who know less about different aspects of psychology. Of course, due to the difficulty of interpreting the theories, there are still unresolved debates about the psychology of color. Additionally, there is less scientific evidence to support all aspects of color psychology. But this is not a reason to ignore the effect of color on people. People usually decide to buy a product within 90 seconds, and 62 to 90% of these decisions are based on the color of the product. Who should know color psychology? Product designers, shopkeepers, office managers, architects, gardeners, cooks and packaging designers must have a thorough knowledge of color psychology. And your success in website design depends on how much you know about colors. In the world around us, there are colors everywhere, but when designing a website, it should be clear to us and we should know what colors to attract customers.