Browsing is a pattern called (F), which explains the way the customer browses, starting from the upper right side, then to the left of the page, opposite the letter, then moving vertically to extrapolate information, ending with the lower left side. While browsing the store, the customer searches for Certain matters, including: Content with an image or title for clarification. trade mark. Links that transfer customers from one department to another. Search tab. Browse products tab. 3- Writing style and its psychological impact.
The channel of communication between you and your customers is represented by the words that you write, and these words can have either a negative or positive effect, so you should be familiar with the foundations of phone number database writing and the psychological principles related to it, the method of dialogue and persuasion, and the logic of reTsponse and clarification. 4- Sentences of provocation or incitement There are some sentences that stimulate customers' positive emotions and encourage them to buy, such as: The quantity is limited, buy before the stock runs out - the edition is limited. These sentences generate a desire among consumers to buy and not miss the opportunity, and this motivation can be strengthened by including.
Attractive discounts for specific periods. 5- Stories and experiences The story method is one of the methods that has attracted attention among people in their nature, as they tend to listen to experiences and stories - positive ones in particular - in order to push and urge them to evaluate, prefer, and choose. This matter plays a psychological role when purchasing a product or preferring a service, as the experiences and stories of others are left out. Good impressions and psychological satisfaction upon completing the purchase.