Training participants will receive clear instructions on how to act in specific situations and what actions to avoid This practical advice is based on current market practice and more importantly on the latest positions of tax authorities and current court decisions We also clearly signal the dangers and typical mistakes made in the discussed marketing activities During the workshop together with the participants we create basic provisions in the regulations of competitions and other marketing campaigns prepared by their companies
We discuss and analyze the content and type of marketing campaign documents for tax purposesOnline training Set goals like Google OKRs for marketing managers Setting goals has never been simple easy and pleasant let alone fulfilling and enforcing them Cell Phone Number List Its a nightmare for both the boss and the employees Is it possible to make the goal actually something that drives and builds the team The examples of Google Facebook and Amazon show that this is the case What these companies have in common is not only their insane growth rate market dominance and charismatic founders
More important is another common feature of their daily work These market giants have long moved away from setting goals using the SMART method they work with goals using the OKR Objectives and Key Results technique They admit that they would not have achieved what they are today if it were not for working with OKR So get to know a new but already proven very effective approach to setting goalsHow to Utilize AI in eCommerce Benefits Tools Hacks Are you running an eCommerce business.