What actions have been taken in the past and their results? This question is important, whether you are applying to replace an eisting person or as part of the creation of Marketing in the company. In the first case , it is obvious. In the nd , there will necessarily be attempts that were carried out more or less long ago. By asking this question in an interview, you will be able to measure the marketing maturity of the company and its priorities. This is essential to identify the etent of the evangelization work that you will have to carry out internally to convince employees of the relevance of your actions and recommendations. Demonstrating pedagogy is indeed an essential quality for successfully carrying out Marketing projects, as we discuss in this podcast with Fanny.
The results, for their part, will give you an idea of the challenge that awaits you and cues for Albania WhatsApp Number the net question. . Have you defined specific Marketing objectives? There, I warn you right away, the answer will very often be no. So dig deeper to find out how these objectives can be determined and, if necessary, propose a methodology . If the recruiter hasnt decided to set goals and is waiting to see, thats a bad signal. This is because he still perceives Marketing as a secondary subject and you will get bored. If the recruiter tells you that the objective is to develop turnover ,

Really try to specify to what etent to validate the feasibility and have a more precise idea of his epectations. Otherwise, the results of your actions may never be sufficient and this will inevitably generate tensions in the long term. Its lived the net one. . Have you set a Marketing budget? As with the previous question, the answer will often be no! . If the recruiter has planned a precise Marketing budget, you can validate its relevance by checking that it represents, at a minimum, between and of the turnover objective set previously. In the common case where he has no idea, offer him a method to define a Marketing budget .