The data is objective, it is no longer what the marketing manager says, nor what the advertising agency says, but what a group of people, situations or experience says about something and in the majority or repetitively. Humanity for years has searched for "truths" and selling or buying DATA-TRUTHS is like paying someone to sing the tabla for me. DATA – TRUTH should not only be a result, and the process should be enjoyed. Having DATA only as a result and without having known its process can be disastrous because subjectivity comes into play again.
However, the intelligence of the human being will be in doing the Denmark WhatsApp Number Data best with those truths, building and transforming them into actions of common benefit.Ru Jhon, I agree with you, because the quantitative approach used in most scientific research is what has allowed the information obtained to be true, supported and applicable (depending on the case).I believe that it is a new business model, however, we will face the same as always, the cost and not only the cost at which they offer us the information, but the way in which it is obtained, since surely the invasion of privacy will be day-to-day.

Day theme when these businesses reach their peak. Unfortunately for us, there is no "world order" regarding regulations on the information that is extracted from the Internet. We have the Recent Case of Facebook, where the United States Authorities Did Not Even Know How To Address The Corresponding Issues.The Important Thing About This New Practice Will Be The Use That Is Given To It, Beyond Access.Greetings! Eve it is evident that we are facing the consolidation of a new social business model. The Change to More Ethical Marketing and Greater Awareness of Companies Towards The New Role of The Consumer, A More Critical and Proactive Consumer, you have only been positive with the Internet Revolution.