The symptoms are felt in various areas and disrupt life as a whole. Since many of the symptoms are similar to depression and anxiety, burnout is often not identified. Its main harmful effects are: extreme physical and mental tiredness; sudden mood changes; irritability; insomnia; frequent headache; difficulty concentrating; change in appetite. There are three main elements that characterize burnout and which you need to keep an eye on: exhaustion : feeling that the person is going beyond their limits and no longer has physical and emotional resources to deal with conflicts and work situations; ineffectiveness: feeling of incompetence, in which the person feels disqualified, unrecognized and unproductive; skepticism: negative attitude in the face of difficulties and lack of interest and concern with work. Next, check out which areas of day-to-day work in a company suffer the greatest impact from burnout syndrome: Drop in productivity All of the symptoms mentioned above can drastically affect the life of a person suffering from burnout. Consequently, the individual becomes less productive, unmotivated and unhappy at work and may perform well below expectations.
This is bad for the professional and for the company as a whole, which depends on the productivity and performance of each employee to grow. Problems with employer branding Nobody wants to work in a place where a large portion of employees suffer from physical and mental exhaustion, right? It is very important for organizations to be concerned with employer branding , that is, with the employer brand (how much do you make people want to work at your company ?), as this is one of the factors that most contributes to excellent talent attraction. Factors such as burnout syndrome negatively affect DM Databases recruitment and can end up driving away great professionals who want to work in a healthier and more balanced work environment. Increase in absenteeism and turnover Absenteeism is related to absences from work and turnover refers to the turnover of employees in an organization . When these two indicators are very high it means that something is not going well and it is necessary to detect which points of dissatisfaction are hindering employees. One of them could be burnout syndrome, for example.

Bad organizational climate An environment that requires an excessive workload and makes its employees work under extreme pressure can end up triggering a very bad organizational climate . This way, all employees feel bad and have a bad perception about that company, which does nothing for productivity and motivation. Increase in presenteeism Presenteeism happens when a person goes to work, but is mentally absent and with thoughts far from the activities they must carry out. This is a very common side effect of burnout syndrome, as people who suffer from the disorder feel exhausted and unmotivated to work, which causes this phenomenon. Dissatisfied people, like insecure people, cannot find happiness. They only think about changing their job, their home, their relationship, their way of being and, even after doing all of this, they don't feel satisfied. Dissatisfaction with life can be a symptom of depression , which steals people's interest in their own existence, or a result of an internal conflict. For example, perhaps the dissatisfied person is living in a way that is inconsistent with their values and desires to please others.